Natural State Golden Retriever Club
A Member Club of the Golden Retriever Club of America
Join US!
The Natural State Golden Retriever Club welcomes applicants for membership who share our love and passion for the Golden Retriever.
​We welcome all who choose to own, love and care for Golden Retrievers. Our member's interests range from pet companionship, to therapy and service work, to responsible breeding, to training and competition. We welcome anyone who regards, cares, and concerns for the breed. If you currently own or are seeking to own a Golden Retriever and are interested in learning more about caring for, training, showing or just plain enjoying your dog, this group is for you!
Our membership is encompasses pet owners, breeders, exhibitors, obedience, agility, field and tracking enthusiasts as well as trainers who play an active role in promoting our club and participating in the myriad of events and functions our club performs.
The objects of the Club shall be:
(A) To encourage members to preserve and promote the Golden Retriever breed through raising dogs which are examples of breed type, exquisite character, and initial purpose.
(B) To urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which the Golden Retriever shall be judged.
(C) To do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at all dog events under the rules of the American Kennel Club.
(D) To promote good standard of vet care, grooming, healthy lifestyle, fitness, and nutrition for both competitive and non-competitive Golden Retrievers.
(E) To conduct sanctioned matches and specialty shows, hunt tests, field trials, working tests, obedience trials, rally trials, agility trials, and tracking tests or any other event for which the club is eligible under the Rules and Regulations of The American Kennel Club and/or the Golden Retriever Club of America.
***All club members, as well as applicants for membership, are expected to abide by and follow the guidelines outlined in the Golden Retriever Club of America’s Code of Ethics. https://grca.org/about-grca/grca-code-of-ethics/
Membership Procedure:
Anyone interested in becoming a member is encourage to attend a club meeting or event to introduce themselves.
A membership application is available below or can be obtained from the corresponding secretary at NaturalStateGRC@gmail.com.
The club offers four types of annual membership as follows:
1) Regular (Individual) – $25.00 dues per year. Enjoys all club privileges including the right to vote and hold office.
2) Family – $30.00 dues per year. Enjoys all club privileges including the right to vote and hold office. A family membership shall be limited to two adult (18 years and older) members in a family, residing in the same household, each to have voting privileges and be able to hold office. Junior members (under 18 years of age) within the same family and residing in the same household, shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Club except the right to vote or hold office, and shall be exempt from payment of annual dues.
3) Associate – $20.00 dues per year. An associate membership is for those individuals who wish to be affiliated with the Club, but who live outside of the club’s area or will not be actively attending or participating in club meetings or functions. Associate members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Club except the right to vote, hold office, or receive annual awards, and they will not count towards a quorum at club meetings.
4) Junior- Free! Open to Children 9-17 years of age. This Membership does not get a vote.
To become a member please complete and print the Membership Application below and sign.
In addition, the application form must be endorsed with the signature of two club members in good standing and accompanied by a check for dues for the coming year (If the application is received after October 1st, the dues will apply to the following calendar year.)